entrepreneur and small business solutions

Unrivaled Mobile & Desk Phone Solutions for your business...big or small. We grow with you!

CALL 7 CONNECT Low-Cost, Cloud-Based Phone Systems

Always Stay Connected to your Customers with CALL 7 Connect : Sound Bigger than you are, never miss a new prospect or customer call.

  • Call 7 Connect:  Today’s phone system for Start-up, Entrepreneurs: People on the go and your small company, or any company who wants to save money and does not need advanced expensive features. 
  • CALL 7 Connect will save your company money, while offering you the best FREE Features for Today’s small businesses.
  • For our complete listing of the Great Features of  CALL 7 CONNECT go here:  LEARN MORE

Call 7 park

As low as

$5.77 / per month per user*

Many people have a home phone number, or and old business number, they wish to keep.

  • Have a number you no longer use and want to keep it?  Perhaps a home phone or a business number you no longer use but you want to keep.
  • Safely PARK your numbers with CALL7.com.
  • You may re-activate and use your old number at any time.

Call 7 park Plus

As low as

$9.77 / per month per user*

Many people have a home phone number, or and old business number, they wish to keep.

All features of PARK, plus:

  • Service adds the Feature of Call Forwarding
  • Calls may be forwarded to one or more other numbers (such as cell phones)
  • Publish a new number for events or to hide your cell number