The Secure Fax Portal may be accessed via a web browser on any device. Log into the Secure Fax Portal:
Once you have logged in, the Options Menu appears:
IMPORTANT NOTE: Do not, use the Back Button / Back Arrow in the Browser. Doing so will End Your Session. Always use the menu item; CANCEL or CLOSE , to end Function you are in, to go back to the Main Menu. SEND A FAX via Web to Fax:
SEND A FAX via Web to Fax: Enter recipient’s name Enter Fax subject Type in Fax Number, then press ADD : This adds a number to the list of recipients. One, or up to 10 numbers may be added. Those will then be visible in the Destinations Box. Highlight a number and then press REMOVE to remove a number. Cover Page options are available: No Cover Page A General cover page URGENT Confidential You may type a cover page message <img alt="" data-id="7155" title="ACD Supervisor Screen" data-css="tve-u-16ffde47591" style="" ml-d="-18" center-h-d="false" mt-d="0" width="1530" height="496" data-src="" class="tve_image wp-image-7155 lazyload" src=""><noscript><img alt="" data-id="7155" title="ACD Supervisor Screen" data-css="tve-u-16ffde47591" style="" ml-d="-18" center-h-d="false" mt-d="0" width="1530" height="496" data-src="" class="tve_image wp-image-7155 lazyload" src=""><noscript><img alt="" data-id="7155" title="ACD Supervisor Screen" data-css="tve-u-16ffde47591" style="" ml-d="-18" center-h-d="false" mt-d="0" width="1530" height="496" data-src="" class="tve_image wp-image-7155 lazyload" src=""><noscript><img alt="" data-id="7155" title="ACD Supervisor Screen" data-css="tve-u-16ffde47591" style="" ml-d="-18" center-h-d="false" mt-d="0" width="1530" height="496" data-src="" class="tve_image wp-image-7155 lazyload" src=""><noscript><img alt="" data-id="7155" title="ACD Supervisor Screen" data-css="tve-u-16ffde47591" style="" ml-d="-18" center-h-d="false" mt-d="0" width="1530" height="496" data-src="" class="tve_image wp-image-7155 lazyload" src=""><noscript><img alt="" data-id="7155" title="ACD Supervisor Screen" data-css="tve-u-16ffde47591" style="" ml-d="-18" center-h-d="false" mt-d="0" width="1530" height="496" data-src="" class="tve_image wp-image-7155 lazyload" src=""><noscript><img alt="" data-id="7155" title="ACD Supervisor Screen" data-css="tve-u-16ffde47591" style="" ml-d="-18" center-h-d="false" mt-d="0" width="1530" height="496" data-src="" class="tve_image wp-image-7155 lazyload" src=""><noscript><img alt="" data-id="7155" title="ACD Supervisor Screen" data-css="tve-u-16ffde47591" style="" ml-d="-18" center-h-d="false" mt-d="0" width="1530" height="496" data-src="" class="tve_image wp-image-7155 lazyload" src=""><noscript><img alt="" data-id="7155" title="ACD Supervisor Screen" data-css="tve-u-16ffde47591" style="" ml-d="-18" center-h-d="false" mt-d="0" width="1530" height="496" data-src="" class="tve_image wp-image-7155 lazyload" src=""><noscript><img alt="" data-id="7155" title="ACD Supervisor Screen" data-css="tve-u-16ffde47591" style="" ml-d="-18" center-h-d="false" mt-d="0" width="1530" height="496" data-src="" class="tve_image wp-image-7155 lazyload" src=""><noscript><img alt="" data-id="7155" title="ACD Supervisor Screen" data-css="tve-u-16ffde47591" style="" ml-d="-18" center-h-d="false" mt-d="0" width="1530" height="496" data-src="" class="tve_image wp-image-7155 lazyload" src=""><noscript><img alt="" data-id="7155" title="ACD Supervisor Screen" data-css="tve-u-16ffde47591" style="" ml-d="-18" center-h-d="false" mt-d="0" width="1530" height="496" data-src="" class="tve_image wp-image-7155 lazyload" src=""><noscript><img alt="" data-id="7155" title="ACD Supervisor Screen" data-css="tve-u-16ffde47591" style="" ml-d="-18" center-h-d="false" mt-d="0" width="1530" height="496" data-src="" class="tve_image wp-image-7155 lazyload" src=""><noscript><img alt="" data-id="7155" title="ACD Supervisor Screen" data-css="tve-u-16ffde47591" style="" ml-d="-18" center-h-d="false" mt-d="0" width="1530" height="496" data-src="" class="tve_image wp-image-7155 lazyload" src=""><noscript><img alt="" data-id="7155" title="ACD Supervisor Screen" data-css="tve-u-16ffde47591" style="" ml-d="-18" center-h-d="false" mt-d="0" width="1530" height="496" data-src="" class="tve_image wp-image-7155 lazyload" src=""><noscript><img alt="" data-id="7155" title="ACD Supervisor Screen" data-css="tve-u-16ffde47591" style="" ml-d="-18" center-h-d="false" mt-d="0" width="1530" height="496" data-src="" class="tve_image wp-image-7155 lazyload" src=""><noscript><img alt="" data-id="7155" title="ACD Supervisor Screen" data-css="tve-u-16ffde47591" style="" ml-d="-18" center-h-d="false" mt-d="0" width="1530" height="496" data-src="" class="tve_image wp-image-7155 lazyload" src=""><noscript><img class="tve_image wp-image-7155" alt="" data-id="7155" title="ACD Supervisor Screen" src="" data-css="tve-u-16ffde47591" style="" ml-d="-18" center-h-d="false" mt-d="0" width="1530" height="496">
Once completed, press Send Fax Now Press CLOSE to end the session. (Do NOT use the Back Arrow in your browser. To go back to the Main Menu, always use Close or Cancel)
Choose FAX Activity Report from the Main Menu.
Complete the Fax Activity Report, then press Show Report. Always use Detailed Report Manually Select Time Period is set by default Select the Start Date Select the End Date Select: All Faxes or Inbound Faxes or Outbound Faxes. Here we selected All Faxes. Show on screen is Default. (If you wish to start over, remember, press to CLOSE and not the Back arrow in the Browser)
In this report, we have blurred out confidential information. The report shows all Inbound with the number, from which the fax originated. Outbound with the Destination Number Fax-to-Email with the Destination Email. Along with: Time the fax occurred; Number of Pages; and Duration of the Fax.PRESS CLOSE when completed to go back to the Main Menu. DO NOT USE THE BACK Arrow in your browser. To view a Fax, do not Press CLOSE : Instead CLICK on the FAX ID number in the Report.
This is the FAX Options View Click on View Fax Page , to view the fax. Once the FAX is open, you may also PRINT it. Press DOWNLOAD Fax , to download the fax to your computer. To RESEND a Fax : Enter the New Fax Number, and press RESEND.