CALL 7 CONNECT Key System Service Pricing

service pricing which is based upon Lines and Extensions, where the Extensions are not just phones, but your phone system.

Today’s new Phone Service as provided by most all Cable Companies, Telecoms ( AT&T, Verizon, Frontier, Century Link, and the rest) as well as all the On-Line providers such as Grasshopper and Vonage: All sell Hosted PBX which is sold as many different names, such as: Hosted PBX, Hosted Voice, Cloud Phone Service, and simply Cloud service.

Those companies have a single pricing plan: The PRICE PER EXTENSION. If you have FIVE phones, you pay for FIVE Extensions. The price ranges from $79.95 per extension to as low as $21.95 for larger accounts, with an aggregated industry average price of $25.00 per extension.

If you presently have 5 Phones with TWO phones on an Old Key System ( Toshiba, Samsung, NEC, Mitel, Shortel, Avaya, and others) you pay for Line. Even though you have 5 phones, you may only have Two Lines. Thus, if you move to CLOUD SERVICE your bill could Double or Triple.

For example:  If you presently have 5 Phones with TWO phone Lines with on Old Key System (Toshiba, Samsung, NEC, Mitel, Shortel, Avaya, and others) you pay for Lines. Even though you have 5 phones, you may only have Two Lines.  Thus, if you move to CLOUD SERVICE your bill  may Double or Triple.  Of course some companies have 5 phones and 6 or 7 lines to handle the call volume, in their case, their bill may drop.

CALL 7 Connect Key System Service Pricing provides service pricing which is based upon Lines and Extensions, where the Extensions are not just phones, but your phone system. 

Now you can pay for “Lines” and “Extensions” separately.

The “EXTENSIONS” are your Phone System, not just phones. The EXTENSIONS are now connected to your Phone System in the CLOUD. You get all the benefits of Cloud Service but at a far lower price.

For Example: You may need 5 Phones due to the physical size of your building, however, you may only need TWO phone lines.

  • Your new  “**Lines “  are only $27.77 *+ tax
  • Your new Cloud Extensions are priced out as:
  • A General Office Extension is only  $5.77*
  • A General Office Extension is a basic extension without Unified Communication (Voicemail, Voicemail to Email, Visual Voicemail, Desktop App, Mobile App).
  • A full Featured Office Extension is $8.77*.
  • You must have at least ONE full Featured Office Extension in order to have an Auto-Attendant ( IVR).
  • You must have at least ONE full Featured Office Extension in order to have an Auto-Attendant ( IVR).
  • You must have at least TWO Full Featured Extensions in order to have a Ring Group and an IVR.

* Pricing is based upon a 12 Month Term agreement; payment is via AUTOPAY on or before the 1st of each month. Service is not prorated.

** We refer to “Lines” in a manor most people would understand the terminology. In fact, the service is via SIP TRUNKS, which for all practical purposes are like LINES in concept. Each SIP TRUNK allows ONE TWO WAY call, just like a “Line”. If you need to have three Simultaneous Calls, you need to have Three Lines or SIP TRUNKS. Your Bill will read SIP TRUNKS.

A pricing Example:

Bob’s Tire Mart needs  6 Phones and two Lines:

Three Lines at $27.77 =

$83.31 + tax

Two Full Featured Extensions at $8.77 =

$17.54 + tax

Five General Extensions at $5.77 =

$17.31 + tax


$118.16 + tax

Where Bob’s Tire Mart was paying for Three Lines at $39.95 = $119.85 + tax with his only phone system.
Now for the same money, Bob’s Tire Mart has a Far More Powerful Cloud Phone system with an IVR, Ring Groups, Intercom, Voicemail, Unified Messaging and much more.

Bob may add more general extensions for only $5.77 and not the $25.00 that any provider would charge.

Bob may also add more Lines as needed for only $27.77 at any time.

Bob may also take advantage of the CALL 7 Burstable Phone Service Plan where Bob can get TWO Unlimited INBOUND Lines for only $27.77 + tax, to handle more inbound calls. 

Outfit your office with the latest IP Desk phones which utilize inexpensive Bluetooth Headsets and utilize Secure WiFi to eliminate the need for Cabling.

Park Calls on a button, so they may be picked up on any phone at any time by anyone. No need to Transfer a Call ( but you still have that option). This feature works in a fashion similar to having “Lines”. A call is answered, and if the call is for another party, with a Key System you would place the call on Hold on “Line 1” for example. Here you simply press PARK 1, and the call is on Hold on All phones as the PARK 1 button is now Flashing. Pickup up the call on any phone, at any time.

As a note: “Park” is a “Community Hold” where “ HOLD ” is only on Your Phone.

Send calls silently directly to voicemail without ringing the phone.

Voicemail messages are send to your phone as well as your email.

Our Easy to use ICON Driven Portal, allows anyone to easily fully manage their own Cloud Service. The interface was designed to be simply enough for a 10-year-old to manage it. We will, however, manage your system for free if you wish us to do so for you.

Never miss a call with optional Burstable Phone Service and or optional CALL QUEUE.

Optional Burstable Phone Service: Get 2 extra Inbound Lines for only $27.77 per month.*

  • Never miss a call with optional Burstable Phone Service and or optional CALL QUEUE.
  • For more information on the CALL 7 Connect Portal go here: CALL 7 Connect Portal.
  • BASIC E-FAX SERVICE: Unlimited Inbound / Outbound EFAX may be added for only $9.77 per month with a Dedicated Fax
  • Optional Fax services are available. For more information on our Secure Fax and a Line for a fax machine Click here:


  • PACK LITE: Use your SMART PHONE: Remote workers carry a complete office experience in the palm of their hand.
    Personal cell numbers remain private, as calls made within the application appear to come from your office phone and not your personal cell phone.
  • In today’s business often associates are in and out of the office and or, you have a limited office staff. Calls need to ring to
    multiple cell phones and or a few desk phones at the same time. Callers reach your Virtual Receptionist and are then directed to choose options, which will send callers to your cell phones, desk phones and or voice message boxes. This managed service allows smaller companies to take advantage of the full power of your new phone system.
  • The ideal easy to use solution for any business who would like to sound bigger and stay connected their customers is Call 7
    Connect Pro. With Call 7 Connect Pro your calls come to your Cell phone from an Auto-Attendant. You may have many
    extensions for calls to ring to. For example: "Press 1 to reach our sales dept" rings to your phone. "Press 2 to reach billing,
    may go to another cell phone, or a land line number".
  • Get a SECOND Line on your existing Cell Phone for as low as only $6.77 per month* : This is great feature for Physicians and other professionals as well who do not wish to give out their personal cell number.
  • This second line may be fully integrated into your company's phone system. $6.77 Per Month when the Mobile Device is a
    second registered device to a desk phone in your phone system with or $9.77 per month for a stand-alone mobile device.
  • Unlike other service providers with our service you can DIRECT EXTENSION DIAL between Cell Phones and Desk Phones
    without the use of a cumbersome app on your phone. The ideal easy to use solution for all entrepreneurs who needs to sound bigger and stay connected their customers is Call 7 Connect.

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Call7 affordable solutions - best value multi-line business phone systems: (1-833) 567-8777.

Call 7 Incorporated, Telephone System Dealers, Tampa, FL

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FAX: (866) 449-8992

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